Part 1: Challenging Winter 2023 – Ultimate 100 Tips Guide to be Prepared and Survive – Energy-saving Tips

Part 1: Challenging Winter 2023 – Ultimate 100 Tips Guide to be Prepared and Survive – Energy-saving Tips

Winter is here, and in many countries around the world, it's challenging citizen life. Higher inflation, higher energy prices, and higher food and gas prices create a situation where people can barely get by. If you're worried about how to keep yourself and your family afloat this winter, we've got 100 tips to help.

Here you may find the first part of the list – Energy-saving Tips.

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1. Check the best times to use electricity

One easy way to rationalize electricity use is to schedule activities that consume a lot of electricity outside of electricity consumption peaks. 

For example, the use of washing machines and dishwashers and the oven, charging the electric car, and heating the vehicle should be done before 4 pm or after 8 pm. You should also be careful about electricity consumption in the mornings between 7 am and 9 am local time.

2. Adjust the brightness of the TV to a lower level

The default brightness of the TV can be unnecessarily high. At best, the TV's electricity consumption can be halved by lowering the brightness. 

The tip also applies to computer monitors and smartphones, even though they don't use as much electricity as a typical television.

3. Turn off electronic devices and gadgets entirely when not in use

Computers and televisions should be turned off fully when they are not used. A large part of the energy consumption of devices is caused by keeping them in standby mode.

4. Don't waste warm water

In water use, energy is mainly consumed by heating water, so you should avoid using hot water. The most scalding water is consumed in the shower. 

It helps significantly if you remember to close the faucets, for example, while soaping.

5. Wash clothes at a lower temperature and remember to spin them properly

Laundry is not the worst energy guzzler in the home, but with minor changes to the washing methods, energy consumption can be affected. 

The temperature of the washing program should be kept reasonably low, and the laundry should be adequately spun to save energy. Wet laundry requires more power from the dryer, which increases electricity consumption.

6. Charge the electric car at night

The electric car should be charged in the wee hours of the night when stock exchange electricity is at its cheapest and overall nationwide consumption is lowest.

7. Adjust the home heating to a lower level

In the home, most energy is used for heating. You can lower the temperature of a room where you don't spend much time with a fair hand. Lowering the temperature by one degree reduces heating costs by an average of five percent. 

The temperature in the living rooms should be 20–21 degrees Celsius and 18–20 degrees Celsius in the bedroom.

8. You can save money with an air source heat pump

The air source heat pump reduces the electricity consumption of electrically heated homes. 

Using an air-source heat pump can save up to 1,000 euros yearly in energy costs at current energy prices.

9. Remember to turn off the underfloor heating

Bathroom underfloor heating is a significant electrical waste, but it has its job of drying moisture. 

It's not a good idea to turn it off 24/7, but you can save a lot of money by adjusting the temperature to a cooler setting.

10. Remember to turn off the lights when you leave the room

There is less need to keep the lights on in a room with no one, even in the middle of winter. 

You should always turn off the lights when you leave the room. Even small savings matter, especially when electricity consumption is at its highest.

11. Switch to LED bulbs

If you still have light or old-fashioned energy-saving bulbs at home, you should replace them with LED bulbs, which consume about one-sixth as much as incandescent bulbs. 

New Christmas and other decorative lights are usually low-consumption LED lights, so you don't have to give them up first.

12. Defrost the freezer regularly

The freezer uses significantly more electricity if a thick layer of ice accumulates. 

Defrosting is easiest when you can take the frozen food outside for that time when it's freezing.

13. Heat in the microwave instead of the oven

Compared to a microwave, the oven consumes much more energy, so in terms of saving electricity, it is essential not to use the oven to heat at least one dish. 

You should therefore heat yesterday's leftovers in the microwave or, for example, with an air fryer instead of the oven. The microwave can also be used for food preparation.

14. Bathe and use the sauna less often

The infrared sauna or electric sauna located in the apartment should only be heated carefully. 

Saunas are one of the biggest consumers of electricity in apartments. Bathing in warm water should also be left to less.

15. Use electricity consumption meters

You can check how much electricity your home's appliances use with an electricity consumption meter that you plug into the socket. 

The meters cost around 15–20 euros, and you can borrow them from some electricity companies in some countries.

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